Why TWI Job Instruction?

The ability to train others is one of the most important supervisors skills. The performance of managers, value stream leaders and team leaders depends on the skills of their team. Productivity and service quality are determined by each team member’s know-how and their discipline in applying standard work.

TWI JI dramatically compresses learning-curves for new employees and those in cross-training, ensuring they achieve competence and productivity standards for a task in a fraction of the time. This allows leaders to reduce employee onboarding costs, eliminate skills bottlenecks, and increase flexibility faster. And, because on-the-job training follows a carefully scripted standard based on best-practice, organisations using TWI JI boost productivity, quality and safety, too.

TWI Job Instruction allows leaders to capture the know-how of the most experiences and best-performing workers and share it across the team, so others can apply the know-how in their work and ‘level up’. Through TWI JI, new insights and knacks gained by individuals through experience, and new methods developed through continuous improvement events or by process engineering can be passed on quickly in a way that ‘sticks’. By ensuring everyone consistently performs the work in the best way known today, supervisors are able to stabilise processes, squeeze out mistakes, boost productivity.

TWI JI lays a solid the foundation for rapid continuous improvement. TWI Job Instruction is the way standardisation is achieved and learning organisations are built from the ground up. In the Lean Manufacturing and Lean Service community, we know that ‘without standard work there cannot be improvement’. We can see this effect from experience, when the new, better method developed through Kaizen team improvement just won’t stick and performance keeps slipping back in a ‘two-steps-forward, one-step-back’ kind of way. Through TWI JI organisations get to ‘do’ standardised work in a hands-on, practical way, allowing them to collect and sustain the gains from improvement projects and events.


TWI Job Instruction - Program overview

Skill developed: on-the-job training & process standardisation


Business benefits:

  • compressed time to competence for new employees

  • rapid cross-training, eliminating skills bottlenecks and increasing flexibility faster

  • increased process stability, minimised mistakes and defects

  • boosted productivity

  • faster improvement through effective standardisation

  • reduced employee turn-over

What participants will be able to do:

  • capture know-how & prepare training using TWI JI breakdowns

  • use the TWI JI 4-Step method to train others

  • anticipate training needs and plan operational training

  • develop and install standard work in their team


Other training deliverables: 2-3 TWI Job Instruction improvement projects completed within 4-6 weeks of initial training

Training schedule: 10 hours in class + 20 hours work-place application


Participants: 7-10 participants

Training location: on-site, at the workplace