Essential leadership skills to compete & succeed.

Training within Industry
Training within Industry is the world’s most successful training system. TWI played a big role in making Toyota one of today’s most successful and profitable car-makers.
Nowadays apart from manufacturing TWI is used to improve performance in many other sectors, including hospitals, pharma & medical devices, agriculture, NGOs, schools, local government, hospitality and service organisations.
TWI leadership skills give managers a solid foundation for successful daily operations, rapid improvement and operations excellence. Without TWI skills, teams cannot achieve their full potential.
TWI delivers rapid ROI
Training within Industry boosts business results, providing a fast return on investment in leadership development. TWI skills stabilise process performance, motivate employees and have generated more improvement with less effort than any other leadership training system. TWI develops essential management skills today’s leaders need to grow their people and improve performance faster than their competitors.
TWI accelerates learning-curves for new employees and staff in cross-training, so they can reach target performance up to four times faster.
Most quality problems can be traced back to people. TWI skills optimise and stabilise how work is done, eliminating mistakes and squeezing variation.
TWI capabilities enable simple, robust and lean processes. Many companies achieve efficiency gains of a quarter or more in targeted processes.
TWI skills are essential leadership skills
Training within Industry leadership development programs transform senior operators, supervisors and middle managers into rounded, highly capable and respected leaders. Leadership skills can be learned and it does not need take many years of trial and error.
TWI programs emphasise practical skills and habits (not just knowledge) that can be applied straight away in daily work and generate results quickly. The streamlined Training within Industry format, with five short TWI training sessions per programme, makes picking up new leadership skills a breeze. Handy pocket cards and immediate real-life application increase retention and kick-start daily management routines that deliver tangible outcomes fast.
TWI JI develops on-the-job training skills. Participants learn how to develop streamlined training content that captures the best, safest and most efficient way to perform a job. They also learn how to pass on that know-how, so trainees can quickly perform the task at the right quality and speed.
TWI Job Instruction is the foundation for effective standardisation of work-methods. Companies practising TWI JI dramatically improve quality, efficiency and safety. Training times collapse. Faster, better multi-skilling creates flexibility and eliminates skills bottlenecks.
TWI JM develops skill in simplifying and optimising processes. Participants learn how to analyse, question and improve processes and methods to achieve more output and better quality with less resources. They also learn how to involve and lead teams in improving their own work.
TWI Job Methods is the foundation for real Kaizen - rapid daily improvement involving the whole team. Companies practising TWI JM dramatically increase the number of improvement ideas implemented. Productivity and quality improvement accelerates. Employees are happier and more engaged.
TWI Job Relations develops skill in leading. Participants learn how to apply the four foundations for good job relations to build trust, motivate their team and prevent problems from arising. They also learn how to spot and solve people-problems that do arise early, swiftly and fairly.
TWI Job Relations teaches how to practise ‘Respect for People’. Companies using TWI JR in daily work boost staff attitudes, relationships and retention, accelerate change-management and increase overall performance.
TWI Job Safety develops skills in averting safety risks in things and people. Participants learn to see risks, anticipate and break the chain of causation that leads to accidents, so they can be prevented.
This is not another tedious course about the law, compliance and safety audits, but practical problem solving training. The hands-on skills developed in TWI Job Safety can even be used to improve quality! Companies using TWI JS turbo-charge engagement with their safety program and slash near misses and accidents.
TWI Problem Solving develops skill in solving complex problems involving people and process quickly and sustainably. Participants of TWI PS learn how to analyse direct and indirect causes of problems and how they are connected. They also learn how to develop and implement simple, effective countermeasures to prevent problem recurrence. TWI PS combines the power of TWI Job Instruction, TWI Job Relations and TWI Job Methods. Companies practising this holistic problem solving method achieve rapid improvement in all performance dimensions.
TWI Program Development build the skill in developing training systems with tangible performance impact. Much too often, company training does not deliver ROI. Participants of TWI PD learn how to design and structure a high-impact training program and management system that achieves real results quickly.
TWI PD connects the TWI skills with a solid management framework. Companies practising TWI PD create synergies from the TWI leadership skills and boost operations performance.

What do our clients think?
TWI was the missing link for our Operational Excellence program. We have great supervisors, but many lacked leadership skills to support real continuous improvement. Our pilot projects were very successful, now we are training internal trainers to make TWI part of the daily work of all shop floor and office teams.
Peter, Senior Operations Director (Pharma Industry)
At first I was a bit sceptical that a skillset developed for industry would work for our not-for-profit team. We have big challenges, so we gave it a go. TWI clearly fits our needs. Our TWI trainer delivered first-class know-how and excitement. We have started with our pilot projects and can’t wait to see the results.
Fiona, Learning & Development Manager (NGO)
TWI Training was brilliant. I did not expect such great energy and fun from a technical training. I have been on other leadership training courses since taking this role. With TWI it finally clicked - it’s very practical and I know exactly how to use it with my team.
Jorge, Supervisor (Medical Devices, Assembly plant)

Management courses
Our management courses boost impact from TWI
TWI skills are great foundations for continuous improvement. They enable supervisors and managers to lead their teams to achieve outstanding results - helping each individual maximise their potential, grow customer value and increase operating margins.
But individuals can only go so far on their own. Lean practitioners know that flow beats point optimisation, because it maximises value. Team work beats individual specialists. In using TWI companies must equally be mindful of the whole: TWI skills require a well-designed, supportive system to flourish and deliver optimum results.
TWI, if done well, causes positive ripples in many parts of your management system, generating great synergies. It’s not just another leadership training. TWI changes the way we manage operations at the front-line, were value is created. This is why at TWI Guru we go beyond just delivering TWI training and accompany our clients throughout the entire implementation, from recruitment to return on investment.
Our management training courses
High-speed employee induction and training is mission-critical for many businesses due to
seasonal demand swings
plant or line startups
employee turnover
TWI Guru builds internal selection and training centres developing employees with strong core skills - boosting time to competence, quality and productivity in daily production.
TWI training lays foundation skills for continuous improvement and effective leadership. Organisations that transform these skills into daily habits unlock TWI’s full potential and maximise ROI.
Managers play a key role in ‘making TWI stick’ by enabling supervisors and teams to practise TWI and by connecting it to operations strategy and daily routines.
Our TWI Management training and coaching accelerates this journey and boosts sustainable results.
Companies starting out with TWI take a leap of faith. Will it work here, for us? Will it deliver results? The first step with TWI therefore usually is a pilot project that leads to a proof of concept and the necessary learning to scale up its use in the organisation.
TWI Program Development build the skill in developing training systems with tangible performance impact. Much too often, company training does not deliver ROI. Participants of TWI PD learn how to design and structure a high-impact training program and management system that achieves real results quickly.
TWI PD connects the TWI skills with a solid management framework. Companies practising TWI PD create synergies from the TWI leadership skills and boost operations performance.
You think Training within Industry might help your organisation and would like to find out more.
You send us your contact details and we arrange a call with you when it suits you best - even outside normal office hours.
On our call we explore your needs, discuss how we can support you and answer any initial questions you might have.
We send you a service proposal for our first step together. In this short document we explain what we understand about your problem or challenge and describe how we believe we can help you succeed. We also pre-select the most suitable Training within Industry programs to solve your problem and propose the next step to get started working together on site.
The next step usually is a short, hands-on workshop with your team on site to get to know you, your business and your challenge first-hand.
We set up a dynamic workshop with your leadership team on site. We introduce your team hands-on to the TWI skills. Using interactive games, shop-floor application, case-studies and team breakout sessions we show how Training within Industry skills can help your organisation make fast-paced progress and deliver results.
We also work out together which of these skills we must develop, in which areas of your organisation, and involving whom, to solve your problem. With this in mind, the team is now in a great position to define the what, how, who and when of our next steps together.
We now understand your situation deeply and have got to know each other. We have worked out, how exactly the TWI leadership and improvement skills can help you solve your problem and meet your challenge. Your team has a clear picture of the road ahead. You have decided to partner with us and move forward with TWI.
We send you a service proposal for the next phase of TWI introduction and deployment at your organisation for your formal approval. Now we are ready to schedule the first training and workshop activities to start solving your problem using the time-proven Training within Industry programs.
We work with you to organise a successful first TWI training and workshop. The training week is highly interactive and new skills are immediately practised in the workplace. We emphasise practical skills development, with 2/3 of our time on-site spent on the shop-floor, in the ward or the office working to solve your problem or challenge.
Our hands-on approach applies to all TWI programs: TWI Job Instruction, TWI Job Methods, TWI Job Safety and TWI Problem Solving and TWI Job Relations. This ensures participants build confidence and skill in applying TWI - and get ready to make it part of their daily work.